Thursday, 7 August 2014

Toe dipping!

Knowing just where to start when you're a brand spanking new fresh-out-the-box gardener isn't easy, you know. Most gardeners I've encountered seem to know exactly what they should be doing at all times, and make it look almost easy to keep a patch of outside in tip top shape.

I guess that means I've got zero natural talent at this or massive amount to learn, and the past month has involved me drifting around my patch pulling up random weeds, dead-heading the resident roses at a point on the stem i'm guessing is right, and generally puzzling over the best thing to be doing right now. Given the goal this year is just to keep everything here ticking over and figuring what I want to do with it, and I don't think i'm doing that badly.

Earlier this month I noticed some of the stems on one of my rose bushes was practically stripped bare. A closer inspection revealed a cluster of evil wee beasties noming the plant into submission.

 Little fuckers! Needless to say their munching days soon came to an end shortly after this snap was taken! The rosebush itself doesn't seem to have suffered too much, and in the past week has rewarded my dead heading efforts last month with a second lovely wave of white roses! Maybe I do have some talent at this, after all!